My InfoNon-unionized contractual staff in a management position [Policy 47 - NM/NMR]

Basic life insurance


Employee life insurance

You are insured for twice your salary up to a maximum of $300,000.

You pay the full cost of this life insurance.

Dependent life insurance

Your spouse is insured for $10,000 and your dependent children are insured for $5,000 per child.

You pay the full cost of this life insurance.


You are eligible if you are:


You pay the full cost of the Basic Life Insurance. Employee premiums are as follows

  • Employee life insurance: You pay $0.135 monthly for each $1,000 of coverage.
  • Dependent life insurance: You pay a flat monthly premium of $2.618.
  • The above premiums do not include applicable Retail Sales Tax (RST) based on the province of residence (in ON, QC, and MB).


Employee life insurance

  • You are insured for two times your annual earnings, to a maximum of $300,000.
  • In the event of your death, the benefit will be paid to your designated beneficiary or your estate if no such designation is made.

Dependent life insurance

  • Your spouse is insured for $10,000.
  • Your dependent children are insured for $5,000 per child.
  • You are the beneficiary of your dependent life insurance.


There are no exclusions for Basic life insurance; the insurance amount will be paid in the event of death from any cause.

Help lines

You can contact Canada Life:
  • Via the Canada Life website or
  • By phoning the Canada Life customer service hotline at 1-833-794-0225

If you encounter any problems or issues, contact Human Resources at or 613-562-5832