My InfoUnionized student staff with teaching or research functions

Article 20 : training

20.1 The Teaching and Learning Support Service (TLSS) will continue to provide an orientation program for Teaching Assistants at the beginning of each Academic Year and will continue to offer its program of workshops for Teaching Assistants during the Fall and Winter semesters of the Academic Year. Teaching Assistants may also register for workshops organized for professors by TLSS or for orientation and workshops being offered by individual faculties.

20.2 The orientation program and the program of workshops will be offered without charge to the Employees. It is understood that some workshops may have limited enrolment.

20.3 If the Employer requires an Employee to attend the orientation program or any of the workshops, the time spent will either be considered hours worked as part of their contract or will be remunerated through a separate contract.

If an Employee chooses to attend the orientation program or any of the workshops that were not required by the Employer, the time spent will be considered time worked up to five (5) percent of the total hours of the Employee’s contract. However, Employees will not be remunerated for repeated attendance at workshops unless required to do so by the Employer.

20.4 All Employees will be required to successfully complete training mandated by Ontario legislation. Such training shall be a condition of employment and time spent in such training will be considered time worked and will be considered as part of the work hours required by the Employee's contract.

Mandatory training mandated by Ontario legislation shall be completed during the first contract period. Such training currently includes but is not limited to:

  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, Ontario Regulation 191/11
    • Accessibility Standards for Customer Services training (see
    • Accessibility Standard for Employment, to make accessibility a regular part of finding, hiring and supporting Employees with disabilities
    • Accessibility Standard for Information and Communications, which requires that educational and training institutions:
      • provide educators with accessibility awareness training (in particular Teaching Assistants
      • produce accessible educational and training materials.
  • Harassment and Violence in the Workplace Policy and Program, under the Occupational Health & Safety Act of Ontario
    • Anti-Harassment training (see
  • Health and Safety training:
    • Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) (see

The Employer reserves the right to amend the list stated above from time to time and in accordance with legislative requirements. The Employer shall provide advance notification to the Union of any such amendments.

Each module will indicate the estimated time required to complete the training.

A copy of the following Policies shall be retained on the University website and an electronic copy shall be provided to the Union:

University of Ottawa - Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination

University of Ottawa - Violence Prevention

University of Ottawa - Environmental Policy

University of Ottawa Procedure - Complaints of Harassment & Discrimination initiated by employees

University of Ottawa - Sexual Violence Policy

20.5 Where a University policy or practice requires that Employees undertake training in relation with certain functions they will carry out in connection with their assigned duties, the Employer will provide and cover the cost of the training, and the time spent in training will be considered time worked and will be considered as part of the work hours required by the Employee's contract.

20.6 If in the course of employment, the Employer requires training beyond the qualifications required in the job posting, the Employer shall provide the training and cover its cost. Time spent in such training will be considered time worked and will be considered as part of the work hours required by the Employee's contract.

20.7 Subject to limitations on the number of registrations, Employees may register free of charge for regular courses in the Second Language Institute.

20.8 It is understood that a Supervisor shall allow an Employee to attend the activities set out in 20.1 except if the hours during which the Employee is required to perform a specific assigned duty conflict with the hours during which the activity is scheduled to take place. Proof of attendance must be submitted to the Supervisor upon request.

20.9 Union to receive training information

The Employer agrees to advise the Union on the training process and sessions through the Labour-Management Committee. Discussions may include:

  • the assessment of training needs,
  • the availability of suitable training resources,
  • the manner in which training should be made available to Employees,
  • the adequacy of the training program and sessions, and
  • any other matter related to training that the Parties agree to review.

No later than six (6) weeks after the beginning of the semester, the Employer shall provide the Union with a record of completion of mandatory training on the part of its members.

20.10 Union access to membership via graduate Student orientation sessions

  • A Union representative may attend any graduate Student orientation session held by an Academic Unit, Faculty or the University. An invitation shall be provided as early as possible, and no later than one (1) week prior to the beginning of the session.
  • The Union shall be entitled to one (1) hour at a mutually agreed upon time during the session to speak to the members present without the presence of other Employee groups (e.g. Professors, Support Staff, Management, etc.).