My InfoAssociation of Part-Time Professors of the University of Ottawa



5.1.1 The parties recognize that various criteria including teaching expertise are involved in the process of identifying and defining requirements for preparing and teaching a course.

5.1.2 * Teaching includes the following activities:

a) giving courses, conducting seminars, guiding tutorials and laboratories, and supervising individual study projects;

b) preparing and correcting assignments, tests and examinations with availability to respond to student queries and concerns as required during and up to ten (10) working days following the submission of final marks;

c) guiding the work of teaching assistants, markers and laboratory instructors;

d) supervising, guiding and evaluating students' individual work, such as theses and papers;

e) granting individual consultations outside of class or laboratory time;

f) participating in the development of teaching methods, programs or course content;

g) preparing instructional material, laboratory exercises and course notes for the member's own students.

All other activities in which the member engages for the purpose of preparing courses and seminars, including those undertaken to ensure that her teaching is in keeping with the current state of the subject taught, are considered teaching activities.

5.1.3 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE * The University shall provide insurance coverage in respect of the liability of Members acting within the scope of their employment to the extent provided by the Canadian Universities Reciprocal Exchange (CURIE) policies. * Members who determine that the insurance coverage provided by the University is not adequate to meet their individual needs may purchase additional insurance at their own expense. * Responsibility for the management of any claim covered by the University's insurance policies rests solely with the insurer. * Timely notice will be given to the University by the member of any action or claim of which a member has knowledge, or of any occurrence or situation that a member ought reasonably to know might give rise to any action or claim. * This Article and any insurance obtained pursuant to it does not apply to legal action initiated by a member nor to any civil or criminal proceedings that might be initiated by the University against a member.

5.1.4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY * A Member shall not be required to teach information technology (ex. Blackboard Learn) as a component of a course unless the technology is specifically related to the subject matter. * Where a Member is assigned an online course, the Employer shall ensure that the Member has access to the technology capable of handling the required mode of delivery. * To assist Members and to facilitate technological innovation within the University community, the Employer shall inform Members of technology training programs at the University, and shall make these programs available to Members free of charge. With the prior approval of the appropriate authority, Members who participate in such program shall be paid for their time according to the applicable rate. * Nothing shall prevent a Member from introducing or using information technology as part of a course, if she so wishes.


5.2.1 An appointment terminates on the date set out in the contract.

5.2.2 * Notwithstanding 5.2.1, it is understood that an appointment terminates on the date on which the member has submitted all of the final marks to the department. Final marks are due no later than ten (10) working days after the final examination, whether scheduled or take-home. A member who, more than once, without valid reason, fails to provide the final marks as required above (except for deferred marks), may be subject to disciplinary measures as per Article 6 of this Collective Agreement. When a member recommends a DFR pursuant to deferral policies of a given faculty or recommends that a student be permitted to take a deferred examination or a supplemental examination, or submit additional course work directly related to the assignment of the final grade for the course in conformity with faculty rules and when such DFR, deferred or supplemental, examination, or additional course work directly related to the assignment of a final grade for the course is authorized by the appropriate authority, the member is responsible

1) for determining the nature of any work or examination to be completed by the student to satisfy the DFR or for preparing the supplemental examination or any other course work directly related to the assignment of the final grade for the course;

2) for setting the date in accordance with faculty regulations by which the work must be completed or the examination taken;

3) for grading the work or examination, and

4) for submitting the final grade.

The member will be paid an amount of $150 for each deferred examination, supplemental examination or any additional course work directly related to the assignment of the final grade for the course, prepared under faculty regulations.

The Employer is responsible for the proctoring of any examination taken in connection with a DFR or in accordance with regulations governing supplementals and for the transmission to the member for grading of any work or examination completed in this connection.

In addition, a member will be paid an amount of $150 every time he/she must prepare and grade a new examination, in addition to the one taken by the group or class, with the prior approval of the appropriate authority. *

a) When a member attends a committee meeting to which he/she has been convened by the academic unit or department to review a case of academic fraud relating to a course he/she has taught and that the academic unit or department has set up to deal with the issue and requiring the attendance of the member, he/she shall be paid $175 for such attendance.

b) When a member participates in an official appeal of a student's grade in a course he/she has taught and that the academic unit or department requests that the member undertake a further review of the marks after the end of the contract, he/she will be paid an amount of $175 for such a review.

c) When a member is requested to assist with accommodation measures for students during in-class examination and that such accommodation is arranged through the Student Access Service Centre and involves additional e-mail, telephone or in-person support on the part of the member, he/she shall be paid upon request an amount of $250 per course for such accommodation assistance.

5.2.3 * RECORD OF EMPLOYMENT * Upon termination of employment, the Employer, on request, shall issue to the employee a record of employment within seven (7) days of receipt of the letter of confirmation described in paragraph 5.2.2 above or within seven (7) days of the termination date set out in the contract. * For Employment Insurance purposes only, a member shall be deemed to have worked two hundred (200) hours for a three (3) credit course. In the case of applied music, clinical teaching or applied theory contracts, a member shall be deemed to have worked according to the actual hours stated.


The Bargaining Unit as defined in Article 1 is made up of regular part- time academic staff and student part-time academic staff.


5.4.1 At the beginning of April of each year or as soon as the University budget has been set, the Employer shall advise the APTPUO of the projected amounts set aside for teaching by student part-time academic staff and by regular part-time academic staff in each academic unit for the current fiscal year. Unless the academic unit is unable to hire part-time academic staff, the Employer guarantees that in each faculty these minimum amounts shall be used for teaching by part-time academic staff.

5.4.2 The number of courses allotted to student part-time academic staff will be closely monitored.

5.4.3 * The University will make all reasonable efforts not to reduce the total amount spent on bargaining unit work by either regular or student part- time academic staff each year below $9,000,000. In the event that enrolment, funding, program approval or other relevant factors result in such a reduction, the University will give reasons to the APTPUO, and allow thirty (30) days for comment before the following cycle of budgets is finalized. Such comment may include proposals to correct the situation through other mechanisms.

5.4.4 Every year, the Employer will provide the APTPUO with a statement of actual amounts allocated to academic units for part-time teaching.


Descriptions of courses will be posted as early as is reasonably possible, it being understood that where enrolment is predictable, such postings should normally be made at least four (4) months prior to commencement of the course.

No changes can be made to the required qualifications indicated in an offer of employment without first having been agreed to by representatives of the Association during a meeting of a joint committee and upon presentation of supporting documentation justifying the changes. The minimum requirement is a Master’s in the field being taught, subject to exceptions for undergraduate courses. Under no circumstances may prior evaluations be included as minimum required qualifications.

5.5.1 REGULAR POSTINGS All courses and work offered to part-time academic staff shall be posted. Where these courses and work are known in advance, they shall be posted in accordance with the procedures set out below. * The chairperson shall post the offer of employment in the department or faculty on the electronic bulletin board set aside for these purposes for a period of at least thirty (30) days, it being understood that no posting may terminate prior to April 1st for courses commencing after the first of September of the same year. For the Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section and Common Law Section, postings may terminate as early as January 15th. Postings requirements will be implemented for the Fall 2020 term. The Union will receive a copy of all postings. The posting shall be electronic and must indicate:

a) the name of the faculty, department or academic unit; the course code, the number, the section, when necessary, as well as the title and description of the course or work, the number of credits attached to the course, the number of hours of work, the type of

course as set out in article 9.3, and the course schedule (session(s), day(s) and hour(s));

b) whether the course or work is being offered to student part-time academic staff or to regular part-time academic staff;

c) the required qualifications shall be clearly indicated, it being understood that the classification of applicants under 5.7.1 and Appendix "B" and the provisions of 5.7.2 and 5.7.3 and not the posted level of qualifications determine the awarding of the position;

d) start and termination dates of the posting as well as the type of posting;

e) the language of instruction, and the level of knowledge (active or passive) of the other official language required, if any. A copy of the posting shall be forwarded to the Union office no later than the day on which posting begins. All postings shall be deemed to comply with all of the posting requirements set out in this Agreement unless an objection is received by the Employer within twenty-one (21) days following delivery of a copy of the posting in accordance with subparagraph It is understood however that the Employer undertakes to identify and inform APTPUO of any of the following changes in current postings of previously posted courses or work: number of credits, number of hours of work, regular or student posting, requirements, course description, or level of competence in the second language.

5.5.2 IRREGULAR POSTING For all courses or work that become available less than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the course or work, the period of posting may be reduced to terminate fifteen (15) days prior to the commencement of the course. A copy of the posting shall be sent to the APTPUO by the academic unit no later than the day on which the posting begins.

course as set out in article 9.3, and the course schedule (session(s), day(s) and hour(s));

b) whether the course or work is being offered to student part-time academic staff or to regular part-time academic staff;

c) the required qualifications shall be clearly indicated, it being understood that the classification of applicants under 5.7.1 and Appendix "B" and the provisions of 5.7.2 and 5.7.3 and not the posted level of qualifications determine the awarding of the position;

d) start and termination dates of the posting as well as the type of posting;

e) the language of instruction, and the level of knowledge (active or passive) of the other official language required, if any. A copy of the posting shall be forwarded to the Union office no later than the day on which posting begins. All postings shall be deemed to comply with all of the posting requirements set out in this Agreement unless an objection is received by the Employer within twenty-one (21) days following delivery of a copy of the posting in accordance with subparagraph It is understood however that the Employer undertakes to identify and inform APTPUO of any of the following changes in current postings of previously posted courses or work: number of credits, number of hours of work, regular or student posting, requirements, course description, or level of competence in the second language.

5.5.2 IRREGULAR POSTING For all courses or work that become available less than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the course or work, the period of posting may be reduced to terminate fifteen (15) days prior to the commencement of the course. A copy of the posting shall be sent to the APTPUO by the academic unit no later than the day on which the posting begins. If an appointment is necessary less than ten (10) business days before the course or work is to start, the Employer shall so notify the APTPUO in writing, as soon as possible but not later than the day on which the posting begins, and the course shall be posted for at least forty-eight (48) hours. It is understood that all qualified members who have applied for all courses in a given year pursuant to 5.6.4 shall be considered to have applied for all such short postings occurring during that academic year.

5.5.3 If after having posted a course, the Employer decides to modify the contents of the posting or to cancel the posting, the Employer shall inform the APTPUO of its decision to do so and the reasons thereof at the time the modified posting is posted, in keeping with the time lines set out in

5.5.4 Appointments occurring after commencement of a course need not be posted, but the APTPUO shall be advised of the said appointment and the reasons why it was made. It is understood that such an appointment must be in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement as per Articles 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9 of the collective agreement.


5.6.1 All applicants must file their applications electronically. Applicants must specify in order of preference the course(s)/work which interest them most. They may indicate the number of courses they would like to teach during the next session in accordance with paragraph 5.9.3.

5.6.2 All applications shall be accompanied by a complete C.V. It is understood, however, that the Employer shall not refuse to consider an application filed without a C.V. if the applicant had in fact filed one during the three (3) previous sessions.

5.6.3 A history of the applicant's teaching experience as part-time academic staff at the University of Ottawa, with the appropriate dates, must be included in any application in order to permit the calculation of seniority (refer to items 10(a) and 12 of Appendix A).

5.6.4 GENERAL APPLICATION * Any person with seniority as set out in section 5.8 and who, prior to April 1st, preceding the start of the academic year:

a) had submitted an updated curriculum vitae,

b) had indicated in writing to the appropriate authority as indicated in APTPUO postings his/her interest in being employed in the academic unit for the following academic year shall be deemed to have applied for all the positions for which he/she is qualified in that academic unit.

Members are encouraged to provide in writing details concerning the days and times of his/her availability to teach in the coming year at the time they submit their general applications, although both parties recognize that such disclosure of his/her availability is optional and failure to do shall not invalidate the application. When a member applies for an APTPUO posting, she shall receive a confirmation from the electronic posting system.

5.6.5 * Student part-time academic staff and postdoctoral part-time academic staff may apply for a position posted for regular part-time academic staff, but such an application will be considered only when the posting cannot be filled by regular part-time academic staff.

5.6.6 * Regular part-time academic staff may apply for positions posted for student part-time academic staff and postdoctoral part-time academic staff, but such applications shall be considered only when the posting cannot be filled by student part-time academic staff or postdoctoral part- time academic staff.

5.6.7 The Employer will implement an electronic notification system for part- time academic positions posted on the University of Ottawa website. Members who subscribed to this system will receive a notice when a new part-time teaching position is posted on the University of Ottawa website. Once the notification system is functional, general applications will be submitted electronically through the University web portal.


5.7.1 GUIDELINES Applicants shall be rated according to their qualifications and the requirements and other criteria set out in the posting.

b) Subject to 5.7.2 (a), an applicant who has previously taught the course in question with a cumulative average above 3.20 as regular part-time academic staff will be classified at least in category A of paragraph 5.7.2. Subject to 5.7.2 and 5.7.3, applicants lacking one or more of the required qualifications shall not be considered. In order to assign courses/work at the end of the posting period, the chairperson shall establish a list of qualified applicants who have been classified in accordance with sections 5.7.1, 5.7.2 and 5.7.3 in the highest category; such a list shall be in decreasing order of seniority and shall contain the full names as well as the seniority points of the applicants, it being understood that where there is a candidate considered to be in category C, no ranking by seniority of category B and A applicants is necessary, and where there are only B and A applicants, only B applicants need be so ranked. All applicants who by accepting the posting will exceed the limits prescribed in paragraph 5.9.3 shall be removed from the list. The chairperson shall then proceed to offer the posting to applicants in the order in which they appear on the list. The assignment of courses to the applicants should normally be completed within thirty (30) fays following the end of the regular posting. For all other postings, assignment confirmations are given no more than forty-eight (48) hours after the end of the posting. If a tie in seniority points results and either or both applicants have been part-time teachers before September 1, 1981, experience acquired before that date may be considered as follows: seniority shall be calculated retroactively, one year at a time, until the tie is broken. If the tie is not broken, the applicant with the most seniority points in the course in question shall be assigned the course. The Employer undertakes whenever possible, in the assignment of work, to consider the course selections made by the applicant.

a) Among the courses offered to student part-time academic staff, the Employer may assign not more than one (1) three (3) credit course or equivalent per academic year to a member of the student part- time academic staff on a basis which considers economic need and/ or the need to give students teaching experience, rather than rating or seniority.

b) Paragraph a) cannot be used more than once by the same academic unit in a single academic year as a motive for a course assignment.

c) No later than thirty (30) days after the start of a term, the Employer will submit a detailed report of hiring under paragraph In particular, this report will indicate the department and the Faculty, the course code and the section, the name of the member, the number of seniority points of the member as well as the hiring reasons. It is understood that any contract offered verbally or in writing to a student part-time academic staff member may not be cancelled simply because he/she has lost his/her status as a full-time registred graduate student at the start of the teaching contract.

5.7.2 HIRING FOR 1ST AND 2ND YEAR UNDERGRADUATE COURSES * For each posted position, applicants who are considered qualified shall be classified into one of the two categories set out below in accordance with the guidelines set out in Appendix "B", it being understood that an individual's classification is for a given position and may vary from position to position.

a) Category A:

Applicants possessing all of the required qualifications and experience and fulfilling the language requirements.

b) Category B:

Applicants who possess the requirements, some additional qualifications, who fulfill the language requirements, and who have taught the posted course as a regular part-time professor at least three (3) times with a cumulative average of at least 4 in the answers to the following questions of the Senate "Student response questionnaire for use in the evaluation of teaching and courses":

i) the professor is well prepared for class... almost always, often, sometimes, rarely, almost never;

ii) I think the professor conveys the subject matter effectively... almost away, often, sometimes, seldom, almost never;

iii) I find that the professor, as a teacher, is... excellent, good, acceptable, poor, very poor;

it being understood that the cumulative average will be for all the most recent A reports for this course to a maximum of 5.

5.7.3 HIRING FOR 3RD AND 4TH YEAR UNDERGRADUATE COURSES AND GRADUATE COURSES For each posted position, applicants who are considered qualified shall be classified into one of the three categories set out below in accordance with the guidelines set out in Appendix "B", it being understood that an individual's classification is for a given position and may vary from position to position.

a) Category A:

Applicants possessing all of the required qualifications and experience and fulfilling the language requirements.

b) Category B:

Applicants who possess the requirements, who fulfill the language requirements, and who have taught the posted course as a regular part- time professor at least three times with a cumulative average of at least 4 in the answers to the questions stated in b); it being understood that the cumulative average will be for all the most recent A reports for this course to a maximum of 5.

c) Category C:

A sole applicant who fulfills the language requirements and who clearly possesses uniquely superior qualifications to those of any other applicant and is consequently recognized as an expert in the field. In establishing the ratings, the Employer may consider, among other factors, demonstrated competence as a scholar or teacher, whether or not his is specified in the posting.

5.7.4 * HIRING FOR THE FACULTY OF LAW, CIVIL LAW SECTION AND COMMON LAW SECTION * For each posted position, applicants who are considered qualified shall be classified into one of the three categories set out below in accordance with the guidelines set out in Appendix "B", it being understood that an individual's classification is for a given position and may vary from position to position.

a) Category A:

Applicants possessing all of the required qualifications and experience and fulfilling the language requirements.

b) Category B:

Applicants who possess the requirements, some additional qualifications, who fulfill the language requirements, and who have taught the posted course as a regular part-time professor at least three (3) times with a cumulative average of at least 4 in the answers to the following questions of the Senate "Student response questionnaire for use in the evaluation of teaching and courses":

i) the professor is well prepared for class... almost always, often, sometimes, rarely, almost never;

ii) I think the professor conveys the subject matter effectively... almost always, often, sometimes, seldom, almost never;

iii) I find that the professor, as a teacher, is... excellent, good, acceptable, poor, very poor;

it being understood that the cumulative average will be for all the most recent A reports for this course to a maximum of 5.

c) Category C:

A sole applicant who fulfills the language requirements and who clearly possesses uniquely superior qualifications to those of any other applicant and is consequently recognized as an expert in the field.


5.8.1 * Bargaining unit members shall accumulate seniority as follows:

a) one (1) point for each three (3) credit course or equivalent of teaching experience at the University of Ottawa. Where the number of hours of teaching eligible for a point is less, the member will receive a fraction of the seniority point;

b) two (2) points for the year during which the member gets at least one course or the equivalent thereof;

c) two (2) points for each complete year during which the member has filled any of the seven (7) positions on the Association Executive Committee;

d) two (2) points for each member of the negotiating committee, to a limit of five (5) members, in a negotiating year;

e) one (1) seniority point per member participating on a University or joint employer-employee committee;

f) one (1) seniority point per member participating on a departmental assembly;

g) a member awarded a University-administered research grant by a tri-council (NSERC, SSHRC or CIHR) or by another funding organization allocating funds through a peer-review process, which is recognized by the Research Management Services, will get two (2) seniority points at the end of the year following the awarding of the grant and two (2) points for each subsequent year in which the member holds the grant, as well as two (2) points in recognition per year for the duration of the grant;

h) it being understood that normally no one member shall receive more than a total of eight (8) seniority points from those allocated under c), d) and e) above in any academic year. Additional points may be awarded upon recommendation of the Labour-Management Committee.

Seniority points are not awarded until the beginning of the term following the period in which the points were earned; however, a member may add such points to his or her total in an application for a position in the term immediately following the end of the period for which the points are earned.

i) Notwithstanding 5.8.1 a) and b), no seniority points shall be awarded for any course where the cumulative average for the responses to the three questions referred to in 5.7.2, is 3.2 or below, unless the chair considers that there are mitigating circumstances. Similarly, no seniority points will be awarded for the academic year in which for each course taught by the member the cumulative average for the responses to the three questions referred to in 5.7.2 is 3.2 or below, unless if the chair considers that there are mitigating circumstances. Type A courses, as defined in 9.5.1, shall be considered as mitigating circumstances.

j) Notwithstanding section 2.1.3, members who teach non-credit courses at the Faculty of Arts in the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) and in the Faculty of Education in the Professional Development Program, will no longer earn additional seniority points for non-credit courses under 5.8.1 a) after May 1, 2011. Subject to paragraph 5.8.5, the seniority points that they have earned before May 1, 2011, will be frozen in time.

k) Subject to paragraph 5.8.5, members who teach non-credit courses at the Faculty of Arts in the OLBI and in the Faculty of Education in the Professional Development Program, will continue to accumulate seniority points under section 5.8.1 b).

l) It is understood that members who teach in both credit and non- credit courses during the same academic year at the Faculty of Arts in the OLBI and in the Faculty of Education in the Professional Development Program, shall earn no more than two (2) points under section 5.8.1 b).

m) The Employer shall make available an updated seniority list of members who teach non-credit courses at the Faculty of Arts in the OLBI and in the Faculty of Education Professional Development Program by June 30th of each year.

n) Where a dean is considering withholding seniority points pursuant to 5.8.1(i), the dean shall inform the member in writing and advise the member that he or she must write to the chair, program director, or appropriate section head within ten (10) working days from receipt of the dean's letter, pursuant to, to describe any mitigating circumstances that the member believes should be taken into consideration. All correspondence in this matter will be kept in the member's file. The member will be advised of the dean's decision in writing within ten (10) working days. All other sections of article 4 then apply. *

i) APTPUO members will be given seniority points for courses taught at the Faculty of Law since September 1, 2011, based on the electronic contracts issued, in accordance with the seniority provisions of the 2018-2021 collective agreement;

ii) It is understood that members who taught pursuant to paragraph 1) above shall earn no more than two points per academic year, pursuant to article 5.8.1 b of the collective agreement;

iii) In accordance with article 5.8.5 of the collective agreement, any member who has not taught at the Faculty of Law in the twenty-four (24) months before certification will be deemed to have lost all seniority points;

iv) A grandparent list shall be created identifying all members who have taught courses for the Faculty of Law in one of the 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020 academic years;

v) A copy of the grandparent list shall be provided to the Association no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from this Award [Kaplan, April 25, 2019];

vi) An updated list shall be provided to the Association on June 30, 2020;

vii) Starting Fall 2020 until August 31, 2022, priority will be given to members on the grandparent list.

5.8.2 At the end of each year, the APTPUO shall forward to the Employer written confirmation of the participation of its members in various activities as set out in paragraph 5.8.1 c) and the allocation of seniority points in accordance with paragraphs 5.8.1 d) and 5.8.1 e).

5.8.3 By June 30 each year, the University shall post the APTPUO member list on its website, including their seniority points, faculty and home department. It shall remain available on the website until the new list is available the following year. Members must report errors or omissions to Faculty Affairs between June 30 and August 31 of every year. It is understood by the parties that service notices to the Association (under 5.8.1 c), d), e), f) and g)), if any, and Employment contracts are used to determine seniority points, as are the terms of the collective agreement governing the accumulation and withdrawal of these points.

5.8.4 A student part-time academic staff member may not accumulate more than fifteen (15) seniority points for courses reserved for student part- time academic staff. Notwithstanding the foregoing and 5.8.1, seniority points over and above the fifteen-point limit will be credited to the member for past teaching at the end of the term in which the student part- time academic staff is awarded his or her degree by the Senate of the University of Ottawa or at the end of the term during which the student academic staff member has formally withdrawn from his or her program of studies at the University.


An individual who is not in the bargaining unit for a period of twenty-four (24) months or longer shall lose all seniority points previously accumulated. There shall be four (4) exceptions:

a) an individual holding the position of President, Vice-President and Secretary, Treasurer or Grievance Officer of the APTPUO during such a period;

b) members on leave as specified in articles 7.3, 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7 of this agreement;

c) members who have formally applied for work in each of the successive winter and fall terms after the twenty-four (24) month period referred to in 5.8.5 above;

d) members who, for reasons beyond their control and for a limited time, have taken up residence where regular back-and-forth trips are not possible, on the condition that they present a valid supporting document and a favorable recommendation from the Labour-Management Committee.


Subject to paragraph 5.8.5, members may accumulate seniority points in accordance with paragraph 5.8.1 for bargaining unit work carried out since September 1, 1981.


5.9.1 * Each employee shall receive from the Employer:

1) the Internet link to find and view the collective agreement;

2) the Internet link to the APTPUO website;

3) a copy of the academic regulations of the relevant department or faculty, where such regulations exist;

4) an identification card.

5.9.2 Applicants who have not been successful in their application are entitled to know, upon request, the reasons therefore.

5.9.3 LIMITS IN COURSE ASSIGNMENTS No member shall teach courses worth more than fifteen (15) credits in two (2) consecutive sessions. When a member teaches a number of hours (in a classroom or online) that is different from the credit value posted and recognized in the faculty calendar, the credit value will be adjusted in proportion to the number of hours of teaching. Hours performed in laboratories and other similar activities will not be included in the calculation of the adjustment. Members teaching at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) shall not be given a teaching assignment equivalent to more than 340 hours of teaching in any one academic year. If a member teaching at the OLBI also teaches courses in a different academic unit or department, the number of teaching hours for these courses outside of OLBI are calculated to a maximum of 340 hours in any one academic unit.


5.10.1 If an administrative exclusion performs duties that would normally be considered bargaining unit work, the chairperson must so advise the APTPUO in writing and specify the exclusion's full name, his/her position, the course code and all other information that would have normally appeared on a posting pursuant to subparagraph

5.10.2 * No later than the last week of the first month in a given session, an electronic list of all hirings in the academic units shall be posted on a Human Resources website and sent to the APTPUO. This list shall contain the full names of the persons hired, the course code, the section, the number of credits, the number of teaching hours, the persons' category (A, B, or C), the number of their seniority points and the course type (A, B, C, D).

5.10.3 Should changes occur in the hiring report posted and sent pursuant to 5.10.2, the Employer will advise APTPUO in writing.


5.11.1 The Employer reserves the right to cancel or combine courses where the enrolment is 17 students or less when it comes to credit courses and 25 students for non-credit courses.

5.11.2 * A member who has accepted an appointment which was offered to her/ him in writing, shall receive the following indemnifications:

a) one seniority point and

b) if the cancellation occurs later than twenty-one (21) days after written acceptance of the appointment ten (10) percent of the contract;

c) if the cancellation occurs within twenty-one (21) days of the contract’s start date, fifteen (15) percent of the value of the contract shall be paid should the member never have taught the course. If the member has taught the course before, ten (10) percent of the value of the contract shall be paid;

d) if the cancellation occurs after the start date of the contract but before fifty (50) percent of the teaching has been performed, fifty (50) percent of the value of the contract shall be paid. If cancellation occurs after fifty (50) percent of the teaching has been performed, the full value of the contract shall be paid;

e) for language courses only, if the cancellation occurs within five (5) days of the contract’s start date, fifteen (15) percent of the value of the contract shall be paid should the member never have taught the course before. If the member has taught the course previously, ten (10) percent of the value of the contract shall be paid.

5.11.3 Barring extraordinary circumstances, for example moving to another city, obtaining a full-time position, an illness that prevents the member from completing the required duties or another valid reason, a member wishing to cancel a contract for a course or other work must so advise the chairperson in writing twenty-one (21) days before the beginning of the course or work in the summer and fall sessions and twenty-eight (28) days before the winter session. A member failing to comply with these provisions loses three points from his or her seniority point total accumulated prior to the cancellation and the Labour-Management Committee will be informed. It is understood that accepting a part-time position in another institution in the region does not constitute an extraordinary circumstance with respect to this provision.


5.12.1 The minimum salary and hourly rates are set out in Appendix "D".

5.12.2 Portions of courses or courses with different credit value shall be paid on a pro rata basis.


Salaries shall be paid in equal semi-monthly instalments over the period of the appointment and a statement of earnings and deductions will be provided on a semi-monthly basis. If the pay of the employee cannot be processed for payment on the first regular payday following one (1) month after the commencement of work, then the employee may request a special cheque and the Employer shall issue such a cheque before the subsequent regular payday.

5.12.4 TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS The rates set out in Appendix "D" shall apply to all members appointed to perform bargaining unit work to commence on or after September 1, 2010. Retroactive payments to those members earning less than the above- noted rates shall be made to those members performing bargaining unit work since September 1, 2010 within no more than three (3) pay periods of ratification of this Agreement. After that period, the members shall be paid in accordance with the new rates set out in Appendix "D". Entitlement with respect to all fringe benefits except sick leave shall be assumed to have commenced on the 1st day of September, 1986. For the purposes of the accumulation of unused sick leave, employees who have acquired seniority since September 1, 1984 may accumulate sick leave as provided for in section 7.3.


It is understood and agreed by the Parties that long-term appointments (LTA) are linked to job security and stability of employment, commitment and a high standard of teaching at the University.

Starting on September 1st 2017, there will be two (2) types of LTA contracts: a fixed-term contract and a contract leading to an open-ended contract.

A fixed-term contract is for five (5) years and is renewable in accordance with and 5.13.7. It does not lead to an open-ended contract.

* A minimum of forty-four (44) hired LTAs will have access to a contract leading to an open-ended contract.

The initial length of a position leading to an open-ended contract is five (5) years.

After a continuous period of five (5) years, the LTA holding a position leading to an open-ended contract and for which the contract is being renewed in accordance with 5.13.7 obtains an open-ended contract where appropriate.

A LTA with an open-ended contract can be laid off for financial reasons or major program changes that requires a new division of work where the number of staff of a Faculty must be reduced. Notice must be given to the Association no later than on June 30th of the academic year.

Regarding LTA with open-ended contracts that were laid off due to a financial emergency situation, the University agrees to give preferential hiring on all LTA positions within the department of the member in question if, within three (3) years, such position becomes available.


* The Employer shall employ a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) LTAs per year, but have no less than forty-four (44) LTAs.

Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, every academic unit or department shall be entitled to a minimum of one (1) LTA up to the maximum set in the paragraph above, with a limit of twenty-five (25) percent of courses taught by members in a previous academic year attributed to LTAs within the academic unit or department.

5.13.2 DURATION OF INITIAL APPOINTMENT LTAs are teaching-focused and shall be five (5) years in duration. LTAs shall normally commence at the beginning of the Fall or Winter semester.

The contract years worked by members prior to the signing of this agreement shall be considered for this purpose. * At the end of the third year of a member's contract, the Employer shall conduct a performance evaluation of the member's workload duties, as well as shall give proper consideration to any information added by the Chair (or equivalent), and any information added by the member. This information will be fully shared with the member. The Employer shall indicate whether the member's performance is deemed to be satisfactory or unsatisfactory and shall advise the member promptly. In the event that the member's performance is deemed to be unsatisfactory, a remedial support plan shall be worked out between the department and the member for the remaining two (2) years. Where there is no improvement in the member's performance, the Employer may decide to terminate the employment contract and shall not apply.

5.13.3 POSTINGS All new LTA positions shall be posted. The chair shall post the offer of employment in the department or faculty on the electronic bulletin board set aside for these purposes for a period of at least thirty (30) days. * The posting shall be electronic and must indicate:

a) the name of the faculty, department or academic unit; the description of the work, the number of credits attached to the work;

b) the minimum required qualifications shall be clearly indicated, it being understood that the classification of applicants under and not the posted level of qualifications shall determine the awarding of the position;

c) start and termination dates of the posting as well as the type of posting (LTA fixed-term contract or leading to an open-ended contract);

d) the procedure for submitting an application to the department or faculty;

e) the level of knowledge (active or passive) of the other official language required, if any. A copy of the posting shall be forwarded to the APTPUO office no later than the day on which posting begins.

5.13.4 APPOINTMENT PROCEDURES Required and desired qualifications should be clearly set out in the posting. In evaluating candidates and establishing ratings, the required and desired qualifications shall not differ significantly from those set out in the posting. In postings which have an academic support component, activity outside the University, which constitutes a contribution to the field, shall be taken into consideration. For each posted position, applicants who are considered qualified shall be classified into one of the three categories set out below.

a) Category A:

Applicants with at least eight (8) seniority points possessing the minimum qualifications and fulfilling the language requirements, or

Applicants possessing some of the required qualifications, fulfilling the language requirements, and having worked in the field as a regular part- time professor.

b) Category B:

Applicants with at least eight (8) seniority points who possess the minimum required qualifications and some additional desired qualifications, who fulfill the language requirements. A regular part-time professor with a cumulative average of 4 points out of 5 points to the three questions in 5.7.2 for four (4) out of the five (5) three-credit courses most recently taught shall be qualified at a minimum as category B.

c) Category C:

A sole applicant who fulfills the language requirements and who clearly possesses uniquely superior qualifications to those of any other applicant and is consequently recognized as an expert in the field. In judging an applicant to be in Category C, which implies a distinct superiority over all other applicants, care must be taken to ensure that the areas of superiority bear a clear relationship to the posting. Such assessment shall consider the teaching experience, the professional experience and the research performed by the applicant.

Where two or more candidates are classified in the same category, seniority shall be the determining factor. The academic unit may ask qualified applicants to submit to an interview as well as to provide a portfolio. The Association shall receive a copy of every letter of appointment within thirty (30) days of the member accepting an LTA. The letter of appointment shall include: a description of the duties for the first year, the number of courses to be taught by academic year, and where known, the course code and title to be taught, the specific academic support duties to be performed (if any), as well as the number of hours for each academic support duty (if any). Specific duties shall be assigned before June 1 for the second and third years of the contract.


The workload of members in receipt of the LTA shall not exceed the limits in article 5.9.3, including teaching, and academic support duties. As of January 1, 2018, the member in receipt of a LTA shall be guaranteed a workload of the equivalent of seven (7) three- (3) credit courses per academic year, at least one of which shall be assigned in the form of academic support duties pursuant to

5.13.6 DUTIES OF LTAs * Teaching and academic success support duties to be performed for the upcoming academic year will be assigned, to the extent possible, in early May. This workload may be modified thereafter, depending on the needs of the academic unit or due to exceptional circumstances. Teaching duties of LTAs are limited to the duties defined in Article 5.1.2. The academic support duties shall be defined in the letter of appointment.

The academic support duties may include, but is not limited to, some or all the duties below:

a) professional counselling and/or mentoring

b) development of academic tools (courses, laboratories)

c) scholarly activities

d) academic program, course and/or event coordination. At the start of each academic year, the Employer will submit a list to the APTPUO of all members holding a LTA and indicating if the position is fixed-term or open-ended. This list shall contain the name of the member, his or her contact information, the department, the Faculty, the list of courses and academic support duties assigned for the academic year when applicable.


Reappointment shall be based on a record of teaching effectiveness, which will normally mean a cumulative average of four (4) out of five (5) or higher for the three (3) questions referred to in 5.7.2 for all courses taught during the appointment, it being understood that the cumulative average will be for all the A reports combined, adjustment made if there are mitigating circumstances. The member must also have a record of good performance in other areas defined in the letter of appointment.

The chair of the academic unit shall notify the member in writing no later than six (6) months before the end of the appointment whether the unit intends to extend the LTA, as well as provide an evaluation of the member's performance. The member shall respond in writing within thirty (30) days whether he or she accepts the new appointment.

In accordance with Article 11, decisions concerning reappointment shall also be made on the basis of activities in which the member engages for the purpose of preparing courses, including those undertaken to ensure that teaching is in keeping with the current state of the subject taught. COPY TO UNION

The Association shall receive a copy of the member's letter of reappointment.


The Employer shall provide office space on campus to LTAs in accordance with the relevant policies and procedures of each academic unit. LTAs shall be informed of the relevant office space policy upon appointment.

5.13.9 APPLICATION OF THE AGREEMENT FOR LTAs Unless stated otherwise in article 5.13, this agreement applies to LTAs.