My InfoAssociation of Part-Time Professors of the University of Ottawa - Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute(OLBI)

Article 1 : definitions

ACADEMIC LABOUR RELATIONS: Office of the Associate Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations.

AGREEMENT: The Collective Agreement negotiated between the Employer (University of Ottawa) and the Association (Association of Part-Time Professors of the University of Ottawa).

ASSOCIATION: The Association of Part-Time Professors of the University of Ottawa (APTPUO) representing Members of the OLBI.

BARGAINING UNIT: All those teaching part-time non-credit courses at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) at the University of Ottawa, save and except managers and anyone covered by another collective agreement. and those excluded by the Labor Relations Act.

DEAN: Dean or their Designate.

DESIGNATE: A person authorized to act on behalf of an officer of the University, or an officer of the Associationmembre.

ENGLISH INTENSIVE PROGRAM (EIP): The English Intensive Program at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) of the University of Ottawa.

EMPLOYEE: An Employee of the Employer who is performing work covered by this Agreement for the duration of their contract.

EMPLOYER: The Board of Governors of the University of Ottawa as defined by the University of Ottawa Act, 1965 and any person(s) duly authorized to act on its behalf.

ESL: Non-credit non-academic program English as a Second Language courses offered at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) of the University of Ottawa.

FLS: Non-credit non-academic program French as a Second Language courses offered at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) of the University of Ottawa.

FRENCH INTENSIVE PROGRAM (PIF): The French Intensive Program at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) of the University of Ottawa.

MANAGER: Manager of the second language intensive programs at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, University of Ottawa or their Designate.

MEMBER: A Member of the Bargaining Unit.

OLBI: Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute.

PARTIES: The Employer and the Association.

PERSONNEL COURSES: Language training offered to University of Ottawa personnel and their immediate family.

PROGRAM: Non-credit courses at OLBI at the University of Ottawa.

TERMS: The three Terms are:

  • The Fall Term is the period during which courses are scheduled from September to December.
  • The Winter Term is the period during which courses are scheduled from January to April.
  • The Spring/Summer Term is the period during which courses are scheduled from May to August.

UNIVERSITY: The University of Ottawa.

WORKING YEAR: The twelve (12) calendar month period commencing on the first day of September and ending the last day of August.