Article 7 : normal work week and overtime
7.1 The normal work week shall begin at 00:01 a.m. on Sunday and end the following Saturday at 24:00 p.m.
7.2 Except where an employee makes an election of 32 hours or 40 hours under section 7.5.1 (a), the employees will work an annual average work week of thirty-six (36) hours. The schedules of work will be determined by the University and may be amended from time to time to meet various needs of the University campus. In cases where changes are planned in employee work hours, the University agrees to notify employees of such changes at least thirty (30) days in advance.
7.3 In the event that a change in the normal schedule of working hours determined by the University becomes necessary to ensure optimum efficiency or to allow sufficient flexibility to meet University’s and employee’s needs, the Supervisor of the division concerned will inform the employees affected of such change before the end of their work day preceding such change. In the absence of such notice, time worked between 17:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on the first day of the changed schedule shall be paid as overtime according to 7.5.3.
7.4 An employee who properly reports for work on his scheduled hours of work but for whom no work is available shall be paid eight (8) hours at the rate of his job classification, unless the University has made a reasonable effort through recognized channels of communications to inform such employee not to report to work. However, the above provision shall not apply in cases resulting from an Act of God.
- All employees in the bargaining unit may elect to choose weeks of thirty-six (36) hours or forty (40) hours, to either work seventy-two (72) hours in nine (9) days or eighty (80) hours in ten (10) days for a two (2) week period. This work schedule may be modified two (2) times per year, May 1 and November 1. The employee must have expressed their choice of work week before December 15 of the previous year, for the next twelve (12) months to establish an annual average for the purpose of fringe benefits. These choices are irrevocable.
When a position becomes vacant, the previous paragraph no longer applies. The position is converted to forty (40) hours per week.
- Usually a normal workday will be flexible between
7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., with the proviso that services must be maintained
in each trade until 16:30 and with the condition that 50% of employees
in each type of the following occupation be present, or according
to this formula:
- Electrician : 5 employees out of 11
- Instrumentation : 5 employees out of 10
- Transport: 1 employee out of 2
- Plumber : 4 employees out of 8
- Locksmith : 1 employee out of 3
- Carpenter: 2 employees out of 5.
- Lunch shall be thirty (30) minutes and shall usually commence at noon.
- Supervisors may, with the consent of an employee, vary the length of meal breaks or hours of work to accommodate an employee, it being understood that such variances shall not alter the total number of hours required to be worked in any two-week period and shall not have a negative impact on the coordination or completion of work.
7.5.2 Unless the Parties agree otherwise, the day off during the four (4) day week shall be Friday.
7.5.3 All overtime worked over and above the hours chosen in 7.5.1 (a) shall be paid double (2x) time. When the University sets up planned overtime, and provides seventy-two (72) hours’ notice to this effect, employees receive either a minimum of four (4) hours’ straight-time pay or double time for all hours worked, whichever amount is greatest. Employees working planned overtime can be called on to perform duties from their job category but not necessarily related to the planned overtime work, depending on their availability and provided the duties do not impede the planned overtime projects; in these cases, article 8 on recalls does not apply.
7.5.4 Banking of Time Off
Grandfather clause: As of May 23rd, 2014 all employees employed in the Bargaining Unit retain the right to accumulates, if they desire, up to two hundred (200) hours of banking time each year, consisting of accumulated overtime. This banking time can be transferred at the end of December of each year, without exceeding the annual maximum of two hundred (200) hours.
When they desire, all new employees may accumulate up to a hundred (100) hours of banking time each year, consisting of accumulated overtime. This banking time can be transferred at the end of December of each year, without exceeding the annual maximum of a hundred (100) hours.
An employee must make the request to the Division Head in question, at least twenty-four (24) hours before taking the leave. The Division Head cannot refuse to grant the leave without valid reasons.
The banking time-off is taken in half-day or full day.
Outside Contracts
7.5.5 Overtime work shall be offered to employees of the bargaining unit before contractors and students. No contracts assigned to outside contracts by the University will have effect on lay-offs, or reduce the normal working hours of employees, or prevent recalls of the employees from the designated area because of the outside contract.
7.6 An employee may relieve another employee of his regular scheduled hours of work on a basis of mutual agreement with the consent of the Supervisor of the division concerned. On the above basis, overtime rates shall not be paid.
7.7 Overtime work shall be offered equally to qualified employees. Employees are asked to make themselves available through the most practical means of communication, i.e. the telephone. The University shall post each employee’s overtime hours twice a month.
7.8 Refusal to work a shift as requested by the University may be considered as a sufficient cause for disciplinary action.
7.9 Employees taking a training course shall be paid at the regular rate throughout the entire training period.
7.10 Employees kept during a snowstorm, when other employees are allowed to leave, will be compensated at straight time banked, but the University shall decide which employees are essential to keep on site.
7.11 Temporary interruption of university activities at a Faculty, School or Service:
7.11.1 Since certain essential operations must be maintained around the clock, throughout the entire year, the University, in practice, never closes completely or interrupts all of its services, except in very exceptional circumstances.
7.11.2 The activities of a Faculty, School or Services may be interrupted, either partially or completely, in exceptional circumstances such as a disaster, a breakdown in air ventilation, a prolonged electrical failure, a major snow storm, etc. The Deans and Directors or their substitutes may make such a decision.
7.11.3 Whenever the activities of the Power Plant Division are partially or totally interrupted, the employees covered by this Collective Agreement may be treated in two possible manners, according to the circumstances:
- If the University asks employees to leave their workplace or to stay home, they continue to receive their regular pay, with no interruptions. Employees on vacation or already taking a rest day because of a flexible schedule do not receive extra pay when the University makes such a request; the regular work schedule remains unchanged in this situation.
- Those among the employees who are retained on duty by their Director, or the Chief Operating Engineer, Power Plant, will receive, in addition to their regular remuneration, an additional amount equal to their normal basic remuneration or time off equivalent to the number of hours worked.
7.12 Parking
At the University's demand, employees who have to work Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, may receive, free of charge, a parking permit to park their vehicle in any University parking lot, except lots with pay and display machines, parking meters and other reserved areas.
7.13 Hiring of University Students In a spirit of training and support for the University of Ottawa, students inscribed in different Work Co-operative Education Program, in Colleges, Secondary's and other won't deny regular employees from overtime, recalls or any kind of work hour’s reductions.
7.14 Compressed Work Schedules
Employees can request work on compressed hours under the following conditions:
- The University has an obligation to provide the best possible service to the University community;
- The University has operational requirements that must be met. including having a sufficient number of employees during regular working hours;
- The establishment of the compressed work schedule is done by taking into account operational needs and in an agreement with the immediate supervisor, who cannot refuse without valid reason. The reasons for refusal will be communicated in writing to the employee;
- In the event of too many demands, an annual turn will be determined by seniority in the Bargaining unit;
- A compressed work schedule agreement can be ceased with a valid reason by the University or by the employee, with a thirty (30) day notice. The reason must be provided in writing;
- In connection with Article 7.5.1 a), an employee must request the immediate supervisor before December 15 of the previous year and begin a compressed schedule on May 1 and/or November 1. The employee must indicate whether he wants to accomplish the schedule A or B under item 8 or 9;
- In the event of problematic situations of application of this Article, the Parties will have discussions in Labour/Management Committee to try to resolve these situations.
- Compressed schedule of 36 hours:
The employee works four (4) days a week for nine (9) hours a day.
- Compressed schedule of 40 hours:
On a two (2) week period, the employee works five (5) days of nine (9) hours a day in the first week and in the second week, three (3) days of nine (9) hours per day and one (1) day of eight (8) hours.
- Special provisions on taking leave and overpayments
- The day off is normally Monday or Friday or another day during the week, if the employee so requests. The immediate superior shall establish the day off by taking into account the preference of the employee.
- The immediate supervisor counts the time overpaid when taking leave by the employee and established, with the employee, time conducive to the resumption of work owed to the University. If the employee wishes, the immediate supervisor can use the banked time in lieu or vacation leave to recover overpayment.