Article 13 : disciplinary measures
13.1 Any employee must perform the work that he is requested to do by his immediate Superior or Supervisor in charge and follow the directives received.
13.2 Except in case of emergency, an employee who wants to leave his assigned place of work during hours must have first asked and obtained the permission of his immediate supervisor or supervisor in charge.
13.3 Every employee will be responsible for keeping in good order and cleanliness the equipment, tools, workshop and area of work under his control.
13.4 Causes rendering an employee liable for immediate discharge or suspension include the following:
- Disobedience
- Smoking in prohibited areas
- Neglect of duty
- Disorderly conduct
- Persistent failure or refusal to cooperate with fellow workers
- Dishonesty
- Sleeping on job
- Refusal to comply with the University’s policies
- Any act contrary to the interests of the University or of the employees
- Insubordination
- Bringing on the University’s property alcohol or consuming intoxicants on University’s premises.
13.5 The Supervisor of the Trades Division, the Supervisor of the Grounds Division and the dispatcher Transportation or the Supervisor of the Transport Division shall normally work in a Supervisor capacity only.
13.6 The Parties agree that the University may suspend an employee with full salary and all benefits during an administrative investigation. It is understood that such a suspension does not constitute discipline and cannot be the subject of a grievance.
13.7 Suspension and Discharge
An employee who claims he has been wrongfully suspended or discharged must lodge his grievance, within ten (10) working days after the actual date of suspension or discharge. If the claim is upheld, the University will reimburse the employee for lost wages, premiums and any other monetary considerations that might have been credited to him had he been normally employed.