What should I do if...?
Personal situations
- ...my marital status has changed
- ...I'm expecting a child or I'm adopting
- ...I'm about to get married
- ...I wish to take a maternity leave
- ...I wish to take a parental leave
- ...I wish to take a leave for family obligation
- ...I wish to take a special leave for the birth of a child
- ...I wish to take a bereavement leave
- ...I'm moving
Professional situations
- ...I'm looking for my T4 and T4A
- ...I'm retiring
- ...I get injured at work
- ...I'm experiencing psychological distress
- ...I'm experiencing personal problems (Stress, Bereavement, Loss, Family, Addiction, Finance, Justice)
- ...I'm a victim of harassment at work
- ...I'm a victim of discrimination at work
- ...I'm a victim of violence at work
- ...I have accommodation needs
- ...I want to develop my skills
- ...I want to receive funding for skills development outside the University
- ...I want to recognize colleagues’ work
- ...I want to improve my team management skills as a manager or leader