My InfoPresident and Academic Vice-Presidents

Founders' breakfast

Celebrating our employees

Each year, the University of Ottawa hosts the Founders' Breakfast. This popular annual event is an important opportunity for the University to recognize the outstanding work and commitment that staff have demonstrated throughout the year. An equally important goal of this event is to recognize the contributions of employees who have 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and even 40 years of service.

Usually, the breakfast is held in the gymnasium once the winter session is over. Tickets are free, but a three-dollar donation would be appreciated. This year, the funds will go to the International Staff Mobility program.

It's also at that time that the president congratulates the work of employees and teams by revealing the names of the prize winners of the President’s awards for service excellence.

To know more

Please read the page dedicated to this event to get tickets, to confirm the location and time, to view the list of winners, etc.