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Insurance benefits and employee assistance
Additional benefits
Pension plan
Awards and recognition
Performance management
Human Resources
Change Group
President and Academic Vice-Presidents [rvrac]
Administrative Vice-Presidents [vrad]
Deans and Academic Associate Vice-Presidents [dvraac]
Administrative senior management [vraad]
Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa [APUO]
Association of Part-Time Professors of the University of Ottawa [APTPUO]
Association of Part-Time Professors of the University of Ottawa - Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute(OLBI) [APTPUO-OLBI]
Association of Part-Time Professors of the University of Ottawa - Toronto-Windsor [APTPUO-TORWIN]
Regular non-unionized staff in a management position (NM) [nup (nuea apns)]
Regular non-unionized staff in a confidential position (NC) [nup1 (nuea apns)]
Support Staff University of Ottawa [SSUO PSUO]
Ontario Public Service Employees Union [opseu]
University of Ottawa Information Technology Professionals [PIPSC IPFPC (UOITP PTIUO)]
Non-unionized contractual staff in a management position [Policy 47 - NM/NMR] [nucro]
Non-unionized contractual staff in a non-management position [Policy 47 - NC/NR] [nuro]
Postdoctoral Fellows (Employees) [postdoc]
Operating engineers [IUOE-772A]
Employees of the trades, grounds and transportation [IUOE-772B]
Unionized student staff with teaching or research functions [CUPE-2626]
Lifeguards [CUPE-lifeg]
Resident Life Student Employees [CUPE 2626-03-Housing]
Retired and deferred, University of Ottawa Pension Plan [retired]
My Info
Regular non-unionized staff in a management position (NM)
Insurance benefits and employee assistance
Additional benefits
Pension plan
Awards and recognition
Performance management
Pension plan
The plans
Summary - The basic pension plan
University of Ottawa Retirement Pension Plan
University of Ottawa Supplemental Retirement Pension Plan (SRPP)
Pension Plan Personalized Information
Pension Plan Personalized Information
Thinking of retiring soon?
Notice of retirement
Early retirement
Retirement not mandatory
Annual increase in the Consumer price index (inflation protection)
Other retirement income
Survivor benefits in the university plan
Retirement allowance
Pension plan trustee
Group insurance coverage for retired members
Contact us in the following situations
Death of an active employee or a retiree
Marriage breakdown
If you leave the University before your retirement.
Plan administration
Definition of spouse
Pension Plan Financial Statements
Treasury and Pension Fund
Pension Plan Committee
Audit Committee
Pension Fund Investment Committee
Annual report and other publications