My InfoNon-unionized contractual staff in a management position [Policy 47 - NM/NMR]

Savings on goods and services


Some businesses offer savings on good and services to University employees. Since the University does not maintain a list of those businesses, you may ask them if they offer discounts. In some cases, they may ask you to show an ID such as your employee card.


  • The Campus Store offers a 10% discount to employees on certain clothing apparel and some books. Present your employee card! They also organize during the year special events just for employees.
  • The University of Ottawa Alumni Association has partnered with several companies to offer services at discounted group rates.
  • The Canadian Association of University Business Officers, to which the University is a member, offers member discounts. The CAUBO has negotiated national contracts in the following categories:
  • Some unions offer discounts to their members; ask your union if it is the case.

Of note: The Privileges website no longer exists.