My InfoAssociation of Part-Time Professors of the University of Ottawa - Toronto-Windsor

Workplace accident leave

When you are involved in a workplace accident while performing the duties of your job or when you develop an occupational illness, you are covered under the Occupational Health and Safety Laws.

In case of injury or illness at work:

  • Seek medical care as soon as possible and report any injury or occupational illness to your supervisor or his or her delegate.
  • Ask your attending physician to complete a Functional Abilities Form (FAF) or a Form 8 for an early and safe return to work if you are absent from work, and submit it to Health and Wellness.
  • Complete an Accident, Incident, Occupational Disease and Near Miss Form with your supervisor and submit it to the Health and Wellness sector of Human Resources within 24 hours of the accident or onset of the occupational illness.

Health and Wellness advises the Workplace Accident Board (WCB) in writing no later than 72 hours after becoming aware of an accident or the onset of an occupational illness.

Benefits while absent from work

When a claim has been approved by the WCB, you receive cheques directly from the WCB for loss of earnings.