My InfoEmployees of the trades, grounds and transportation

Pay Equity

Whereas the University of Ottawa established and posted a Pay Equity plan for all members of the University community in 1989, pursuant to the requirements of the Pay Equity Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P.7 (hereinafter referred to as ‘The Act’);

Whereas the Union was certified by the OLRB at the time;

And whereas the Parties determined that there were no female dominated job classes at the time, requiring the creation of a Pay Equity plan for this bargaining unit;

  • The Parties agree that is advisable to meet to review the current composition of the bargaining unit, to determine jointly if there are presently any female dominated job classes, pursuant to the provisions of the Act.
  • This process follows Pay Equity process recommendations that there should be a periodical review of the Pay Equity plan in effect and the gender distribution ansd is intended for a review on a go forward basis only.
  • It is understood that the results of this review will apply only during the period of the Agreement and Forward.
  • The working group will be comprised of an equal number of local representatives and no more than three (3) from each the University and the Union. Union representattives shall be given time off without loss of salary or benefits to prepare and attend this meeting.
  • Each Party may be accompanied by their own external Specialist.
  • The working group will begin to meet no later than January 15, 2017.
  • Should the Parties determine that there are female dominated job classes, which need review pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the Parties will jointly negotiate and develop a Pay Equity Plan.
  • If required, pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the Parties on the Committee shall mutually agree to the plan, purpose and terms of reference and develop the framework and procedures to be used to conduct the job evaluations, according to the Hay Job Evaluation System.