My InfoSupport Staff University of Ottawa

Article 38 : access to certain policies

38.1 Employees continue to receive benefits provided for under the following University policies:

  • Policy 4: Training and Development and;
  • Policy 7: Relocation Expenses.

38.2 Employees continue to receive benefits provided under the following policies, in respect of which the University shall consult with the Bargaining Unit before making changes:

  • Policy 13: Second Mortgage for the Purchase of a House;
  • Policy 22: Tuition Fee Financial Support for Spouses and Dependants of University of Ottawa Staff Members;
  • Policy 78: Training and Development of the Support Staff.

38.3 In the case of a contradiction between a policy and a provision of the Agreement, the Agreement shall be applicable and shall take precedence.

38.4 The University agrees to maintain for regular employees, its practice for granting Refresher leave in accordance with the provisions of Policy 63 in effect or as amended by the Board of Governors until the expiration of the Agreement.