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Professional expenses reimbursement

APUO members may apply for a professional expense reimbursement (PER) when expenses are incurred through work or when acquiring work-related supplies and equipment.

Available amounts

  • $1,625 for the period of May 1, 2012 to April 30, 2013
  • $540 for the period of January 1, 2012 to April 30, 2012
  • $1,625 for the period of January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011

Eligible PER expenses

As per article 40.9.2, they include but are not limited to:
  • Membership fees to professional societies
  • Registration fees and travel expenses for conferences
  • Publication costs and purchase of instructional and research material such as:
    • Books
    • Equipment and supplies
    • Software
    • Journal subscriptions
  • Cell phone fees, Internet access and conferencing services, when the usage is primarily for the member’s employment duties. When the usage is not primarily for such purposes or the usage plan is a family plan, only the portion related to University business is eligible. The eligible portion of a family plan cannot be more than 50%.

Additional important information

  • The minimum total amount members can claim at any one time is $500.
  • For the purchase of equipment with a warranty (e.g., a computer), it is recommended that members keep a photocopy of the receipt for their records. The original receipt must be submitted with the form.
  • Pursuant to article 40.9.5 of the APUO collective agreement, when expenses exceed the reimbursement limit, the outstanding amount may be carried forward for a maximum period of three years, after which it can no longer be claimed.
  • A receipt exceeding the reimbursement limit for the actual year cannot be reimbursed in advance. For example, if a receipt for membership fees covers a two-year period, only the portion for the current year can be reimbursed. However, a note is added to the file and the balance is reimbursed at the beginning of the following fiscal year.
  • For the purchase of items or services that are provided at a discounted institutional price (e.g., software), members can request, through their faculty, that a purchase order number be provided to the vendor for the item in order to be deducted from the member’s PER account. Such purchases must be pre-approved by the faculty.
  • Note that article 40.9.3 of the collective agreement clearly outlines that the funds allocated for PER are not intended to replace any existing faculty allocations for travel. Please note that transfer of funds between the PER and research accounts is not possible.
  • As outlined in article 40.9.6 of the collective agreement, any equipment purchased with funds from the PER remains the property of the University. If a member wishes, he or she can purchase these items from the University, pursuant to Policy 65.

Professional Expenses Reimbursement (PER) form

The online PER form must be completed, printed, signed and submitted, with ORIGINAL RECEIPTS, by intra mail to Human Resources, TBT 019 by the end of the fiscal year ending April 30.