My InfoLifeguards

Article 1 : definition

University: The Employer, University of Ottawa.

The Union: The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).

Employee: All persons included in the bargaining unit and governed by the Agreement.

The parties: The University and the Union.

Agreement: The current Collective Agreement.

Union representative: An employee included in the local executive of the bargaining unit or an external representative working for the Union.

Personal file: The employee’s official file kept at the Human Resources Service.

Session: The work periods of fall, winter and spring-summer. The fall session includes the month of September to the end of December. The winter session includes the month of January to the end of April. The spring-summer session includes the month of May to the end of August.

Supervisor or immediate supervisor: The next in command outside the bargaining unit who holds a more senior position than the employee and to whom the employee reports.

Manager: Managers or Aquatic Coordinator.

Note: The Lifeguard, Head Lifeguard, Aquatic Instructor and Specialized/Advanced Aquatic Instructor job descriptions are provided in Appendix A.