My InfoDeans and Academic Associate Vice-Presidents

VirtUO employee portal


The VirtUO Employee Portal is the central page for University employees; it is the equivalent to uoZone, the student portal.

You can consider the portal as your central page for two reasons; first of all, because it can direct you to information and applications pertinent to your work and secondly, because you can create your own list of favorite sites in order to access them faster.

For example, you can use the portal to quickly access:
  • Necessary teaching tools and research tools
  • The libraries
  • Information Technology Services
  • Human Resources, including those that involve Learning, Jobs and the Pension Plans
  • Information on buildings, physical facilities and related resources
  • News and calendar of events
  • University policies and regulations

From the secure portal site, users can access other secure University sites, such as class lists, Workday and the AlumBoutique.