My InfoDeans and Academic Associate Vice-Presidents

If you leave the University before your retirement.

Inform the Pension Sector of your date of departure by e-mail at: Do not forget to include your employee number.

See the presentation Termination before retirement (PDF)

You will receive a departure kit, which will contain your pension calculations as well as the different options available to you with regard to your pension fund. A delay must be expected between your request for information and the delivery of your departure kit.

If you stop paying into the retirement fund before being eligible for retirement benefits, you have the following three options. These options will factor in the length of your participation in the plan or the age at which you leave the University:

  1. If you are not yet 55 years of age, you can:

    • Choose to leave your money in the pension fund, in order to receive a deferred pension

    • Transfer the value of the pension to another employer’s registered pension plan, if that employer accepts the transfer.

    • Transfer the value of the pension to a locked-in registered retirement savings plan or life income fund1

  2. If you are 55 years of age or older, you can:

    • retire early and collect a reduced pension;

    • you can defer your pension benefit. In this case, the commuted value of the accrued pension will be locked-in (including monies transferred from a former employer pension plan and monies used to purchase a service) and shall become payable commencing on your normal retirement date. You shall be entitled to an unreduced pension if you elect to commence your pension the first day of the month coincident with or next following the day on which you attain the age of 60, or age plus actual credited service is equal to 90 or more.

1 "Locked-in" means that your funds cannot be withdrawn before age 55 (earliest age a pension may be received under the Pension Plan), and can only be used to generate a pension/payment benefit or be transferred to a life income fund.