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Libraries and electronic resources


The Library of the University of Ottawa is an essential partner in fulfilling the research, teaching and learning mission of the University. The Library is composed of three main libraries or service areas – The Morisset Library (for arts and sciences), the Brian Dickson Law Library and the Health Sciences Library – in addition to a number of specialized research collections.

In fact, the network is composed of 12 libraries; a number of them are open 24/7. It manages millions of documents that can be checked on site or electronically. And it has collections of most types of documents, such as books, maps, software, music, films and videos. A team of about 161 persons (including about 50 librarians) are very much engaged in providing students and professors with the best possible help in their work and studies.

Because you have an employee card, you can borrow materials and access the Library remotely.

For researchers and professors, the Library of the University of Ottawa is indispensable because it offers help in attaining your research, publishing and teaching goals. To learn more about the library, consult the Library Services to Professors Web site.