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Life events and your benefits

During your career at the University, you may go through various changes in your personal life; when you experience certain personal life changes, those known as eligible life events, you are allowed to make changes to your benefits coverage outside the re‑enrolment period. offered by the University.

ATTENTION: To ask for that change of coverage, you must register the eligible life event within 31 days of the event date, or you will have to wait until the next re-enrolment period or until another eligible life event occurs to make changes to your coverage.

An eligible life event includes the following:

  • A change in marital status, say a marriage, separation, divorce or a common-law relationship that has lasted at least 12 months.
  • The birth or adoption of a child.
  • The death of your spouse or dependent child.
  • The loss or significant change in your spouse’s benefit coverage because of loss of employment, termination or significant modification of coverage; for example, a significant change in your spouse’s coverage may occur at retirement time.

To register your life event, you do it through the Canada Life Secure Site