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Article 17 : performance appraisal

17.1 Performance appraisal is intended to be a culmination and confirmation of discussions that have taken place between the immediate supervisor and the employee throughout the preceding period. The University promotes regular discussions between employees and managers concerning their daily responsibilities and the sector's priorities in order to ensure that the resources provided and the support available enable employees to perform well at their jobs.

17.2 All appraisals must be made electronically. Evaluations are signed electronically by the evaluator and the employee. The employee can print a copy. The employee must have access to the appraisal as soon as possible after all designates have signed it electronically.

17.3 A formal performance appraisal shall be conducted once per calendar year for employees who have completed their probationary period, according to the procedures established by the Union and the University. The appraisal is in the employee's preferred language of correspondence.

17.4 The annual performance appraisal period is from January to December of each year. The appraisal is usually done in the first quarter of the following year.

17.5 Any employee on authorized leave for more than six (6) months prior to the month of December will not receive a performance appraisal for that year.

17.6 To evaluate an employee, an immediate supervisor must have been the direct supervisor of the employee for a period of at least six (6) calendar months.

17.7 For employees who have been promoted or transferred to a new position less than three (3) months before December, the appraisal is based on their previous position and will be completed by their former supervisor when they leave their position.

17.8 Unless otherwise mutually agreed, supervisors shall provide at least five (5) working days of notice to the employee prior to any formal meeting for the annual performance appraisal and will encourage the employee to provide a written summary of his work performance over the preceding period that includes, but is not limited to : achievements, areas for improvement, areas for job related development, and proposed performance goals for the next period. The latter will be for purposes of discussion prior to the goals being established for the next year.

17.9 Performance appraisal shall include a face-to-face meeting between the supervisor and the employee to discuss the appraisal. This meeting shall take place prior to the supervisor writing the final formal appraisal. An employee who becomes uncomfortable in this meeting may stop the meeting until such time as they have Union representation at the meeting, in which case, a liaison officer from the Human Resources will also be present.

17.10 A performance appraisal that alleges an employee's performance is unsatisfactory shall outline :

  • the reason(s) that the employee's performance is unsatisfactory; and
  • specific recommendations for improvements necessary to achieve satisfactory performance in the area(s) that the supervisor has alleged are unsatisfactory

17.11 Once the supervisor has completed the performance appraisal, the employee shall be given an opportunity to electronically sign the performance appraisal and attach written comments, if so desired, prior to the appraisal being forwarded to the Dean or Director of the faculty or service, or their designates.

17.12 If the employee disputes the accuracy or completeness of their performance appraisal they may request a meeting with the Dean or Director of the appropriate faculty or service to discuss their performance appraisal prior to the Dean or the Director of the appropriate service confirming the appraisal.

17.13 Employees shall have the right to attach a response or written comments to their performance appraisal. Any such response or written comments will be included with the performance appraisal. It is understood that the appropriate Dean or Director of the appropriate faculty or service shall be given the opportunity to review any such response or written comment.

17.14 By electronically signing the performance appraisal, the employee is indicating a review and discussion have taken place and that he has received a photocopy of the appraisal but does not imply agreement or disagreement on behalf of the employee.

17.15 Performance appraisals may be used by the University to make decisions related, but not limited to: promotion, demotion, discipline, hiring and pay increments.

17.16 Any Performance Improvement Plan or similar administrative measure related to the Annual Performance Appraisal recorded in an employee’s personnel file shall have an end date. Upon satisfactory completion of the above, a written confirmation to that effect shall be annexed to the Plan or administrative measure.