My InfoUnionized student staff with teaching or research functions

Article 16 : evaluation

16.1 The Parties agree that the main aims of evaluation are to ensure that workload duties are being performed satisfactorily and to improve the quality of teaching or research by assisting the Employee to develop their skills.

16.2 There shall be three (3) types of evaluation conducted by the Employer, informal evaluations, formal evaluations, and Student evaluations. Reasonable methods shall be used in conducting evaluations in the context of this Article.

16.3 For every appointment of twenty (20) hours or more, or if requested by one of the Parties, there shall be an informal evaluation based on criteria relevant to the Unit in which the appointment is held and relevant to the nature of the duties required by the appointment, in accordance with the procedure in 16.5. The informal evaluation shall use the form specified in Appendix F.

16.4 Provisions of this Article shall not be used as a source of information in reaching decisions on hiring except as provided for in 16.6.4.

16.5 Informal Evaluation

16.5.1 The informal evaluation cannot take place before one third (1/3) of the hours of the appointment have been completed, nor later than the end of the appointment and shall be conducted by the Employee's immediate Supervisor. An Employee in a Supervisory position shall pass on the responsibility of conducting the evaluations to their immediate Supervisor.

16.5.2 The results of the informal evaluation shall be set out in writing and shall conclude in one of the following findings:

  • the performance is excellent, that is, all the requirements are met and the quality of the performance exceeds expectations;
  • the performance is satisfactory, that is, all the requirements are met and the quality of the performance meets expectations;
  • the performance is satisfactory, but one or more minor deficiencies exist and should be corrected; or
  • the performance is seriously deficient and a formal evaluation is therefore requested.

16.5.3 The Employee shall be given a copy of the informal evaluation and have an opportunity to discuss the results with the person conducting the evaluation before the evaluation is placed in the Employee's Personal File. Any written comments the Employee may wish to make about the evaluation shall be attached to the copy of the evaluation that is placed in the Employee's Personal File, provided the Employee delivers a copy of the comments to the appropriate Unit authority and requests that their written comments be attached to the copy of the informal evaluation.

The informal evaluation shall include both an explanation supporting the results of the evaluation and suggestions to improve the Employee's performance. Unless the conclusion of the informal evaluation is Conclusion a) or Conclusion b) as per 16.5.2, it shall include both an explanation supporting the results of the evaluation and suggestions to improve the Employee's performance.

16.5.4 An Employee in receipt of an informal evaluation and who has an appointment of sixty-five (65) hours or more, is entitled to an additional informal evaluation prior to the completion of their appointment, if they so request. It is understood that, where possible, enough time should elapse between the first and the second informal evaluation to permit the Employee to address the concerns expressed in the first informal evaluation. The results of the second informal evaluation will take precedence over the first informal evaluation.

16.5.5 If the procedure in Articles 31.4 and 16.5.3 are not complied with, the informal evaluation shall not be placed on the member's personal file, and no record shall be kept of the noncompliant informal evaluation. Should the member fail to attend the scheduled meeting without providing a reasonable excuse or making attempts to inform of this absence, the informal evaluation shall be placed in the members file notwithstanding Article 31.4.

16.6 Formal Evaluation

16.6.1 The formal evaluation shall use the form specified in Appendix G. A formal evaluation can take place only if it is requested pursuant to 16.5.2 (d). The formal evaluation will take place before the end of the Employee's contract, it being understood that where possible enough time should elapse between the informal and the formal evaluation to permit the Employee to address the concerns expressed in the informal evaluation. Such an evaluation shall be conducted by the Chair of the Unit where the Employee is employed, it being understood that where the Chair is also the Supervisor, or has initiated the formal evaluation instead of the direct Supervisor, the formal evaluation shall be conducted by the Dean of the faculty where the Employee is employed, or their delegate. Prior to the formal evaluation of any Employee, the Employer shall consult with the Employee concerning the time and criteria to be used.

16.6.2 The formal evaluation shall conclude with one of the following findings:

  • the performance is excellent, that is, all the requirements are met and the quality of the performance exceeds expectations;
  • the performance is satisfactory, that is, all the requirements are met and the quality of the performance meets expectations;
  • the performance is satisfactory, but one or more minor deficiencies exist and should be corrected;
  • the performance is seriously deficient, Active Intervention, as per Article 16.7 is recommended; or
  • the performance is seriously deficient and where Active Intervention has been or would be ineffective, discipline (per Article 15) is recommended.

16.6.3 The Employee shall be given a copy of the formal evaluation and have an opportunity to discuss the results with the person conducting the evaluation before it is placed in the Employee's Personal File. Any written comments the Employee may wish to make about the evaluation shall be attached to the copy of the evaluation that is placed in the Employee's Personal File, provided the Employee delivers a copy of the comments to the appropriate Unit authority and requests that their written comments be attached to the copy of the formal evaluation.

The Authority that conducts the Formal Evaluation shall provide the Employee with a detailed explanation supporting the results of the evaluation and include suggestions to improve the Employee's performance.

16.6.4 The formal evaluation shall take place only if the procedures set out in Article 16.5 are respected. If the procedures listed in Articles 16.5 and 16.6 are not followed, the formal evaluation shall not be placed on the member's personal file, and no record shall be kept of the non-compliant formal evaluation, except in cases of very serious action(s).

16.7 Active Intervention

Active Intervention constitutes an open, honest, and direct process of ongoing communication between the Supervisor and the Employee regarding the latter's work performance. It is intended to close the gaps between current and desired performance, resolve problems that interfere with job performance, and provide performance guidance to help the Employees grow.

The Parties agree that Active Intervention, when not conducted in an open and respectful manner, may constitute bullying or harassment under Article 11 of the Collective Agreement.

Active intervention pursuant to a formal evaluation may include but is not limited to, one or more of the following:

  • a requirement for coaching by a person or persons designated by the Employer.
  • requirements to take language courses, training in the subject matter, or academic courses.
  • assignment to different courses or tasks.

Coaching, training or courses required under a) or b) shall be at no cost to the Employee.

16.8 Student Evaluations

16.8.1 Nothing in this Article shall prevent the Employer from instituting or carrying out a system of Student evaluations of the duties of an Employee as they relate to those Students. The Employee shall receive a copy of the results of the evaluations and any Student comments before the results are placed in their Personal File. Student comments, if any, shall not be placed in the Employee's Personal File. Any written comments the Employee may wish to make about the results of the evaluations shall be attached to the copy of the results of the evaluations that is placed in the Employee's Personal File, provided the Employee delivers a copy of the comments to the appropriate Unit authority and requests that their written comments be attached to the copy of the results of the evaluations.